Nishiazabu International Clinic
Privacy Policy recognizes and protects your social responsibility to properly handle specific personally identifiable information such as the patient's name and address.

1.Legal compliance
Regarding the handling of personal information, we will comply with relevant laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal information, and will continuously review and improve this policy.

2.Purpose of use
The patient's personal information will be used only for reservation / reception work, statistical processing for improving the work function, and guidance from the clinic.

3.Collection of personal information
Personal information will be collected when a new patient is registered, and will be managed in compliance with the Personal Information Protection Law.

4.Restrictions on provision to third parties
We will not disclose or provide the patient's personal information to any third party other than the clinic you are using.

5.Appropriate management of personal information
We will manage under a strict management system by taking preventive measures such as unauthorized access, loss, falsification and leakage of personal information by the management system in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law and guidelines.

6.Confirmation / correction of personal information, etc.
If the patient wishes to confirm or correct his / her personal information, please contact us and we will respond promptly within a reasonable range.

7.Disclosure of personal information
If there is a request from a legal institution such as a court or police based on laws and regulations, or if there is a request from the patient himself / herself, we will confirm the identity and disclose it.

8.About inquiries
Inquiries will be accepted at the management office (03-5722-6555) reception hours: weekdays from 10:00 to 16:00).
If you would like to change the patient's registration details, please contact the clinic where you registered.
